
Routine treatments for eliminating intestinal worms that are harmful to your pet's health.

Deworming your pets can make their daily lives easier and by extension improve their health. Worms can live inside your pets and pose risks for everyone in your family. Most pets get worms from their environment or even other animals they come in contact with. They may be small in size, but these slimy creatures can cause huge problems for everyone in your home.

What are common worms in pets?

Most pets become infected with whipworm, roundworm, heartworm, hookworm, or tapeworm. These worms do not only affect your pets, they can be passed on to the humans in your family.

My pet has diarrhea, is this a sign of worms?

Dehydration can be a sign of worms in pets. If your pet has a dull coat, bloody stool, abdominal pain or weight loss, they may be infected with these parasites. You should contact your veterinarian and have your pet examined if they show any of these signs. Call us at 506-858-9900 right away.

How are worms diagnosed in my pet?

Worms in pets are usually diagnosed by examining your pet’s stool for worm eggs. A veterinarian will collect a stool sample and use a microscope to check. Testing for heartworms is a bit different. Our team will draw blood from your pet to test for heartworms. It is highly encouraged to have your pet tested for heartworms yearly.

When should I deworm my puppies or kittens?

We recommend deworming kittens and puppies at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16-weeks-old. Young pets’ immune systems have not developed and so they are more likely to get worms. Even if the mother was dewormed, the puppies and kittens still need deworming. Our hospital has a deworming program for the new fur babies in your family.

How are worms treated in my pet?

Our hospital uses different forms of treatment depending on the type of worm that your pet has. Deworming treatments are available in liquids or tablets. You should not apply any of these treatments without having your pet properly assessed and diagnosed by a vet.

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