Nutrition Counselling

Tailored guidance and support optimizing a pet’s overall well-being through proper nutrition.

As your pet’s guardian you are responsible for ensuring they get the right nutrients from their diet. Nutrition counselling informs pet owners of the exact food or nutrients their friendly pooch needs to grow and build their immune system. Elmwood Veterinary Hospital has an experienced care team that has a special interest in nutrition. You can be confident our team will lead you in the right direction when it comes to the nourishment your pet needs.

What should I expect during nutrition counselling?

Nutrition counselling begins with a physical examination. Our veterinarians will check your pet to make sure they are growing or developing properly for their age and breed. The veterinarian will also inquire about factors such as what foods your pet eats, how often they are fed, and if there are any changes in the way that they eat. If your pet is not as developed as they should be then supplements may be prescribed. Additionally, veterinarians may remove certain foods from your pet’s diet.

What foods should I avoid feeding my pet?

Any food not specifically made for your pet can be harmful to them. Human foods can be very challenging for your pets to break down and they may not provide the nutrients your loyal companion needs. Some foods can trigger health problems in your pets, these include:

  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Grapes/ raisins
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Milk or dairy products

When considering new foods to add to your pet’s diet, always get approval from your veterinarian. If you are curious about what foods you can feed your pet please contact our team. Simply call us at 506-858-9900.

My pet eats healthy, why do they need nutrition counselling?

Even if your pet seems healthy, they may be lacking in the nutrients they need. This may not cause a problem immediately but overtime can lead to deficiencies or growth problems. Following a general approach to pet nutrition is good but it does not address the specific needs of your pet. Nutrition checkups will keep you informed and on the same page as your veterinarian. Your veterinarian can track your pet’s development and make nutritional recommendations to keep them happy and healthy.

Are there special foods for my senior pets?

Yes! Senior pets’ ability to absorb nutrients decreases as they get older, which changes their dietary needs. Puppies and kittens also need special foods. Their bodies are in vulnerable stages and require certain nutrients. There are specially marked products for seniors and young pets. You can also ask our veterinarians to recommend special foods that might be beneficial for your pet if they suffer from unique conditions such as diabetes or kidney problems.

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